Message from the President of Yazaki Kizuna Foundation

The Yazaki Kizuna Foundation is a non-profit general incorporated foundation dedicated to contributing to the development of overseas developing regions. It provides scholarships and supports job creation by subsidizing small businesses. Since the Foundation's establishment in January 2018, it has specifically focused its activities in the Independent State of Samoa ("Samoa").
We have a special place in our hearts for Samoa. Yazaki Corporation, the founder of this foundation, had been an auto parts manufacturer in Samoa for a quarter of a century. Changes in the business environment forced the company to close its operations and withdraw from Samoa. However, the company still values its ties to Samoa. The foundation was established out of a desire to repay the support the company received from the people of Samoa. I accepted the position of president of Yazaki Kizuna Foundation because I wholeheartedly agree with the purpose of its establishment.
Samoa is about 3,000 km north of New Zealand and belongs to the Samoan Islands of Polynesia, consisting of two large islands and seven smaller islands. The country is about 1.3 times the size of Tokyo and has a population of about 200,000. When I hear the word "Samoa", what comes first to my mind is The Song of Samoa*, which begins with the words "Blue, blue sky. Not a cloud in the sky. Samoa is a land of everlasting summer." Some of you may have been shaken by the Samoan team's war cry "Siva Tau" at the 2019 Rugby World Cup.
Since its inception, the Foundation has promoted scholarships for students at the National University of Samoa and grants to non-profit organizations in Samoa. We have been able to help people in Samoa gain access to higher education and support motivated individuals to expand their meaningful businesses. Some local people who have seen our activities have expressed surprise and gratitude that Yazaki still cares about and supports Samoa through this foundation.
Through these activities, we hope to contribute to the sustainable development of Samoa, while deepening our ties (kizuna) with the local community.
HAMADA Michiyo
Yazaki Kizuna Foundation
Name | Yazaki Kizuna Foundation |
President | HAMADA Michiyo |
Date of establishment | January, 2018 (Operation start April, 2018) |
Objectives | Contribution for development of overseas developing regions by promoting mutually international understanding and interacting with these regions. |
Main activities | 1) Scholarships for University students 2) Grants for small businesses 3) Support for visit to Japan for special purposes |
Address | W Building, 7th floor, 8-15, Konan 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075, Japan |
Fiscal year | From January to December |